Following Clarity

Following Clarity

I recently attended a local simulcast of Leadercast 2016. I always leave this annual event full of new ideas, ways of thinking, and great nuggets I can apply personally and professionally.

One of my favorite presenters is Andy Stanley, author and senior pastor of North Point Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia.

This year he spoke about “Visioneering” and started his presentation by saying, “We value integrity. We follow clarity.”

His statement certainly resonated with the EOS® Implementer in me. Each day I work with business owners and leadership teams who describe their daily lives as overwhelming, stressful and exhausting. `

It’s easy to get lost in the craziness of the day, and lose sight of where we are going and what we want to do. But if we can just pause for a moment to gain a little clarity, we can reenergize, revisit our plan and rethink our direction. We refer to this as taking a clarity break, and I’m always amazed by how something as simple as clarity can give such power and focus to an organization.

We help our clients create clarity in the Six Key Components of every business:

  • Vision. Getting everyone in your organization 100 percent on the same page with exactly where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.
  • People. You can’t accomplish the vision without great people from top to bottom.
  • Data. Boiling your organization down to a handful of numbers that give you a pulse on your business at any given time.
  • Issues. Building the muscle of solving problems, tackling issues, and making them go away forever.
  • Process. Identifying the handful of core processes that make up your business, your way of doing business, and getting everybody following it and doing it your way.
  • Traction. Executing the vision throughout your company, and bringing discipline, and accountability into the organization.

Once we help a client develop clarity within their organization, we help them make their vision stick by sharing it in a State of the Company speech.

The State of the Company speech communicates clarity by sharing where you’ve been, where you are, and where you are going. It keeps all of your employees in the know. It should be shared no less than quarterly, while also celebrating accomplishments, and recognizing the entire team for gaining traction.

We refer to this as One voice. One vision. One team.

Do you need help finding clarity in your organization? If so contact us. We can help.

About EOS®

EOS® is a holistic management system with simple tools that help you do three things we call vision, traction, healthy. Vision from the standpoint of first getting your leaders 100% on the same page with where your organization is going. Traction from the standpoint of helping your leaders to become more disciplined and accountable, executing really well to achieve every part of your vision. Healthy meaning helping your leaders to become a healthy, functional, cohesive leadership team.