Process Versus System

One of my clients, in the early days of our work together, said he was looking forward to understanding the difference between a process and a system. I suggested he would learn the difference as we progressed along the journey to implement EOS®. We actually do teach process, which leads to the creation of a […]

What To Do When You Hit the Ceiling

Every company hits the ceiling now and again. It’s that feeling of being stuck, not sure what to do next, where to turn. To make matters worse, departments will hit the ceiling periodically — marketing is knocking it out of the park every day, but operations is struggling to meet daily production quotas. Individuals may […]

6 Questions About Core Processes

When I first define The Process Component™ for entrepreneurial leadership teams, it is not uncommon to see some eyes roll at the thought of documenting the company’s Core Processes. The word “document” is what gets people’s attention. They envision lengthy procedural manuals that, while well intended, require extensive work to develop and eventually sit on […]

Get it Right the First Time: Document Your Core Processes

It’s highly likely that your company has certain tasks it completes over and over. Maybe the tasks are done every day or every week, by several individuals or by a manager of a particular department. Does each employee complete the tasks the same way? Do they complete them correctly? How do you know for sure? […]

Bad Business Habits are Hard to Break – But Not Impossible

It’s true. The longer you let bad habits grow, the more difficult they are to uproot. Sometimes we don’t try to change bad habits in our companies because we are too busy dealing with other issues. Maybe the habits don’t seem bad enough or serious enough. Or maybe it’s just the way we’ve always done […]

Keep Your Team Focused With a Tangent Alert

It happens to all of us. We call a meeting with a group of managers to discuss a situation or a problem. As we begin the meeting, something we say triggers a remark from one of the managers about a different situation. That remark reminds another manager of another issue, which he or she then […]

Has Your Business Had a Baseline Checkup Lately?

We establish baselines in all aspects of our lives. Doctors perform physicals on patients each year. Teachers give school-aged children “pretests” before they teach a new unit. Prior to beginning a diet or exercise program, we step on a scale or measure our waist, hips and arms to identify our exact weight and inches. Then […]