Discuss First

I’ve written several articles about the Issues Solving Track™, also known as IDS™. I’m sure you remember the acronym — Identify, Discuss, and Solve. The most common challenge Leadership Teams encounter as they learn to IDS™ is that they move straight to discussion without identifying the root cause of the issue. They tell me they just […]

Enter the Danger, Exit With Results

Every session with one of our Leadership Teams starts with what we call the “Check In,” which generally consists of several questions that help us transition from working “in” our business to working “on” our business. One question is always, “What are your expectations for today?” I check in after each member of the Leadership […]

Stand Strong With Your Decisions

I have written a number of times about the EOS® Issues Solving Track™, also known as IDS – Identify the root cause (because the problem is really just a symptom), Discuss everything that has to do with the problem, and then Solve the problem for good. IDS is a powerful tool that helps Leadership Teams solve their […]

EOS’s Answer to Problem Solving

I have quoted Seth Godin a number of times in my blogs. Yes, I am doing it again. Seth recently wrote a short blog. Here it is in its entirety: “The problem you can’t talk about . . . is now two problems.”  We see this all the time with our EOS® clients. Problems that […]

Resolving Issues Through Open & Honest

I think we could all agree that being open and honest is important in our personal lives. Our friends and our family members value it, and it helps us build relationships and establish trust with the people we care about. And much like our personal lives, open and honest can have a strong impact on […]

IDS Your Way to Success

Every business has its issues. Issues are obstacles that must be faced in order to achieve your vision. Your company’s issues could be related to a customer who is not in your target market. It could also be an employee who is not in the right seat. Or your issue could be a result of […]

Steps to Tackling Business Issues

At my last company, we had a customer that drove just about everyone on our team crazy. I’ll bet you have a customer like that, too. The customer was the department head of a large hospital that accounted for a moderate amount of business annually. He was extremely demanding. For example, his failure to plan […]

Has Your Business Had a Baseline Checkup Lately?

We establish baselines in all aspects of our lives. Doctors perform physicals on patients each year. Teachers give school-aged children “pretests” before they teach a new unit. Prior to beginning a diet or exercise program, we step on a scale or measure our waist, hips and arms to identify our exact weight and inches. Then […]